Top 5 Marketing Habits to Avoid


looking out a car window on a rainy night

When you begin something new, like launching a new marketing campaign, it is as important to understand what not to do, as it is to know what to do. This post is a recap of the common mistakes I see people make when marketing their businesses. These habits are either established habits that need to be broken or things we proactively coach our clients not to do.

Whether these serve to be helpful in avoiding common habits or help you identify what to change in your marketing approach – I hope it’s helpful.

Habit #1: Do a little bit of everything

Too often companies (and their owners) do too many different things when it comes to marketing. As a result, nothing is done very well and the effectiveness is greatly compromised. Select a single strategy to implement with focus, discipline, and excellence. Then, expand your efforts intentionally.

Habit #2: No measurement

It makes my stomach hurt when I see money spent on marketing with no thought towards how the efforts will be measured – or what constitutes success. At a minimum, have Google Analytics installed on your website and a CRM and a marketing automation system that can capture information about your prospects and customers throughout their journey. The ability to measure the impact of your marketing efforts is paramount to your success.

For tips on what you should measure, check out the 5 Digital Marketing Metrics Smart CEO’s Measure.

Habit #3: Only talk about what you do

News flash. Nobody cares about what you do. What your customers and prospects do care about is how what you do is of benefit to them. How does it make them faster, more money, cost less or more competitive in the market? In other words, “What’s in it for me?” Keep this filter on when writing marketing copy and communicating with your customers.

Habit #4: Too many decision-makers

Just like too many cooks in the kitchen makes for crappy soup; too many decision-makers makes for crappy marketing. Marketing strategy and creative that falls victim to too many opinions will be greatly compromised in its effectiveness. Streamline your group to one or two decision-makers; this will keep your efforts from losing focus and punch.

Habit #5: Never update your website

Sixty percent of the sales process is over before contact with a salesperson is ever made. Guess what people are doing during that sixty percent of their buying process? They’re doing research, reading reviews and scouring the internet reading your website – and all of your competitors. Keep your website current! Unless… you want to look like you’re out of business and you don’t care if Google thinks you’re dead.

What habit is most prevalent in your organization? What will you change today so your marketing can be more effective?

Tiffany Sauder is the CEO of Element Three, a full-service marketing consultancy in Indianapolis. After taking over in 2006, she’s transformed E3 from a small creative shop into one of the fastest-growing marketing consultancies in the Midwest. Outside the office, she spends time with her husband and three daughters, runs half marathons, and is practicing for the day The Food Network calls to cast her on Chopped.

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