Inventory Campaigns

Transform Your Inventory into Revenue

Move more inventory with repeatable local inventory campaigns that focus on individual sales territories.

Maximizing ROI with Intelligent Inventory Campaigns

An inventory campaign from Element Three uses our extensive set of expertise in distribution model marketing to reduce time in inventory for dealers. These campaigns are unique for each dealership, location, and territory, targeting specific audience segments and warm leads—and driving them to the lot. With data-backed insights, we’re able to help reduce stock holding times and increase sales velocity.

Comprehensive Inventory Campaign Solutions for Your Business Needs

Element Three inventory campaign marketing solutions happen in four steps, ranging from research and planning to creative development, through execution—and we’ll continue to optimize the work throughout its run. We thrive in these areas:


Data Analysis and Strategy

  • Inventory assessment and segmentation
  • Market demand forecasting
  • Pricing strategy optimization
  • Campaign goal setting and KPI definition


Creative Development

  • Dynamic inventory ad creation
  • Personalized messaging based on stock levels
  • Multi-channel creative asset production
  • Multi-part testing for ad effectiveness


Campaign Execution

  • Automated campaign deployment
  • Real-time inventory sync with ads
  • Multi-channel campaign management
  • Retargeting and remarketing implementation


Performance Optimization

  • Real-time analytics and reporting
  • Campaign performance analysis
  • Inventory turnover rate improvement
  • Program standardization for repeatability


Comprehensive Inventory Marketing for Maximum
Sales Impact

We’ll work with you to develop an inventory campaign that specifically fits your dealers’ needs. Our toolkit runs deep and includes the following to get the most out of your investment.

  • Inventory Data Integration
  • Dynamic Pricing Optimization
  • Automated Ad Creation
  • Multi-Channel Campaign Management
  • Real-Time Performance Tracking
  • Personalized Retargeting
  • Inventory Forecasting Tools


Optimizing Inventory Across Diverse Sectors

Inventory campaigns are proven to create more turnover on dealer lots—and that’s true for any industry in a dealer distribution system. Our solutions are custom-built and attuned to your industry specifically, with unique touches that make them successful.

We specialize in building inventory campaigns for the following industries.


From Overstocked to Optimized:
Inventory Campaign Success Stories

Case Study

Creating OEM and Dealer Clarity in
Airstream’s Co-op Program

Case Study

A Dealer Marketing Program that Pivots
with the Market

Case Study

Building Brand Awareness For More
Than Just BraunAbility

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Weekly lead volume is more than 2x that of [our last campaign] – with less spend and no incentives to promote. That’s a slam dunk in my book. Thanks for your hard work!

– Product Marketing Manager, Leading RV Manufacturer

“The best way to describe it is that E3 has ‘batteries included’ and not ‘batteries sold separately.’ You care about our company and are willing to recommend the hard things to hear.”

– President, custom cabinetry manufacturer

Insights for Co-Op Marketing Excellence

Symbiotic OEM and Dealer Strategies Mean Bigger Impacts

Symbiotic OEM and Dealer Strategies Mean Bigger Impacts

Is Your Co-op Program a Strategic Asset?

Is Your Co-op Program a Strategic Asset?

Paid Media On a Budget: Maximizing Impact With Minimal Resources

Paid Media On a Budget: Maximizing Impact With Minimal Resources

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