Theresa Behrens Goodall

A great characteristic in an art director is an insatiable desire to improve—not just her designs, but her own skills. Fortunately for Element Three, Theresa has that characteristic in spades. She’s always learning, looking, reading, listening, and honing her ideas and processes into a fine point.
We think of Theresa as something of a rarity in the agency world. She’s an AD with such a savvy eye for design that she can blend seamlessly into the world of high fashion and luxury—or elevate B2B businesses with more rough-hewn, get-your-hands-dirty aesthetics. Rock steady in her kerning and deft with her designs, Theresa brings her insights to clients backed with her trademark thoughtfulness.
Theresa’s tasteful eye blends into her personal projects too, like crafting and carefully selecting her next three-inch wedge heels. But being the dedicated employee she is, she’s usually in the office whittling away on a stunning new concept. Either that or finding new ways to intimidate her copywriter partners or teaching the innocent young account people new swear words. Either way, her razor-sharp sarcasm keeps us all on our toes—exactly where a marketing agency should be poised.