Using Creative For Gradual Buy-In To Brand



Video Transcript

We have a video talking about rebrand versus refreshing your brand, but I’m thinking about marketing leaders and brand owners of organizations where you’re a step before that — you have historically underinvested in creative. You don’t have the organizational buy-in, and it’s hard to convince everyone that it’s time to rebrand or refresh your creative if you haven’t historically had that sort of investment.

So you’re at a tipping point of change. You are releasing a new product or going into an industry or going into a new customer segments and there is organizational buy-in to invest in something because you need to support that. Well, one entry point that we’ve gotten is this idea of progressive creative, where we’ve done creative concepting for a campaign or a product launch or a moment in time. And what happens is you can get buy-in for that thing because everybody’s like, “Yeah, we probably need something.” But what you do is you get to see your current creative, what’s currently out in the market for your brand, in concert with this new idea. And what tends to happen is it gets people dreaming. Leadership sees the brand in a way they’ve never seen it before. They’re like, “Oh, I didn’t know that we could look this way in the market. We could sound this way in the market.” And when you’re seeing it side by side with what you have currently in the market, the difference is usually pretty stark. And then they start dreaming and they start imagining. And they start being like, “Oh, well, this is different.” And that is really often all you need to get that just a little bit step forward so you have people starting to think about it.

So if you’re a step before that, you don’t have to try to create buy-in for big brand, big creative all the time. Sometimes you just start small to get that entry point so that you can incrementally be working towards that full rebrand that you want, or getting everything done. Sometimes it takes years and you just have to find the right entry point and the right place to start. So at the end of the day, work with your trusted internal partners or your external partners and just think of creative solutions to get to that starting point. You don’t have to eat the whole buffet in one sitting. You just need to find the right place to start.

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